New NaNo Story

I wasn’t going to post anything until NaNo was over, but I’m having so much fun with my NaNo novel I thought I would share it. The story begins way back in time – 12th-13th century in the wilds of Wales. Below is a snippet – unedited so please excuse any typos; hope you enjoy it!


Huw was raging in the Great Hall. The fire was out and the trenchers and goblets still sat on the tables from the night before.

“Where is that wench! She should have taken care of all this!”

Servants scattered as he shouted, and those almost entering turned and fled when they saw him.

“Huw!” Carys had to shout to be heard over his raging. She stood in the doorway, letting the light from behind halo her hair and reflect off the gold she wore on her head and around her neck.

Huw turned at the other end of the Hall and saw her. He stopped in his tracks, his mouth open, staring at this beautiful creature. Then he realized it was Carys, and hesitantly walked towards her.

“We need to talk about Essie, Huw. She is a woman now and needs more instruction than you can give her. You must find someone else to run your household. I’m taking Essie with me to teach her what she needs to know to make a good marriage.”

Huw’s face began to redden. “She needs only know how to run a household. What else does she need? Any man would be fortunate to marry her. I’ve already begun negotiations with Llywellyn ap Gruffudd for Essie to marry his son.”

Carys shook her head. “No, Huw! That would be a tragedy. The son is a dolt, even if he is richer than you. You can’t let Essie marry him!”

“I’ve made up my mind, Carys, you can’t change it.”

“But think, Huw. What if Essie could marry into the royal house? Give her to me for two years, and I guarantee she will be a Plantagenet by the end of that time.”

“You must be mad, woman! My Essie will never marry into royalty; she’s lowborn like everyone else around here! You can’t raise her hopes like that just to have them dashed.”

“Don’t worry, Huw. I’m not going to tell her anything about that. She needs to learn music and dance, singing, embroidery, falconing, and so much more. Can you teach her any of that?”

“She doesn’t need any of that. She already knows how to run a house, a farm, an estate. That’s all she needs.”

“Huw. If she is to rise as high as I think she can, that is not enough. I will teach her.”

“But you can come here and teach her. Why must you take her away?”

“If she stays here, Huw, she will be no more than another servant, wasting her life.”

Carys seemed to grow taller, and her eyes flashed with sapphire intensity.

Huw stared at this woman he had known all his life. And suddenly realized she had more power than he did.

“As you wish,” he said with a slight inclination of his head. “You are right. I can’t teach Essie what she needs to know. But who will run my household. I can’t run it myself!” His voice sounded panicked.

“Don’t worry, Huw. There is someone I have in mind who can run your household. I will send her to you tomorrow. Now, I will need money for clothes and trinkets for Essie. You can send it to my house tomorrow with one of your lads.” Carys named a sum that left Huw gaping.

“Have you lost your mind? I can’t afford that!”

“Oh, yes, you can, Huw. I know you have coin and gold in your cellars.” She smiled sweetly at him and turned and walked out of the Hall.


Filed under Fiction

17 responses to “New NaNo Story

  1. I like these characters already, and I can already see plenty of potential for conflict. No wonder you’re having fun writing this story!

    • Thanks for commenting, Sandra. And yes, I’m having fun with this. Since it covers so many eras, I can do whatever I want. And the element of ‘magic’ means anything goes. I didn’t plan on the ‘magic’ bit, but there it is!

  2. Pingback: The Sweet List 11/10/2012 | Sweet Saturday Samples

  3. Wow. What a fascinating premise! I hope you keep sharing from this story, and that you finish the manuscript. Great writing!

  4. Sounds fascinating! Good luck with Nano!

  5. Love the scene and how forceful Carys is in getting what she wants

  6. I love this period, so this story has grabbed my attention immediately. A strong woman indeed! I’ll be interested to see if she succeeds with Essie. And Huw. 🙂

  7. Thanks, Jenna. It isn’t going where I thought it would, but that’s why I love writing; I never know what my characters will do until they do it! 🙂

  8. I’m looking forward to more! 🙂

  9. Hi Ruth! I didn’t realize you had a separate blog for this type of writing! How do you manage multiple blogs? You are a wonder!

    Loved the excerpt! Looking forward to more!

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